Posts Tagged ‘DRBC’

DRBC Lawsuit Dismissed for Now, but Lives to Fight Another Day

Federal judge delays review of lawsuit against Army Corps and DRBC over proposed gas regs

Judge Delays Review of Lawsuit Against Army Corps and Delaware River Basin Commission Over Proposed Gas Regulations

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 CONTACTS: Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, P: 215.369.1188 x 102 Cinda Waldbuesser, National Parks Conservation Association, P: 215.327.2529 Ti… Read More

Road to Trenton: The story of fracking in the Delaware River Basin

Environmental groups rally against fracking in Delaware River Watershed

DRBC confirms postponement, but sheds no light on reason for putting off natural gas vote

Rally for the Delaware River Watershed Groups to Governors and President Obama: Vote No to Protect our Water and Communities from Drilling and Fracking

November 21, 2011 For Immediate Release West Trenton, New Jersey – Hundreds gathered today in front of the War Memorial in Trenton to say “Don’t Drill the Delaware” at a rally of v… Read More

A Victory in the Fight Against Fracking! Riverkeeper responds to DRBC cancellation of gas drilling vote

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tina Posterli, 516-526-9371, [email protected] A Victory in the Fight Against Fracking! Riverkeeper responds to DRBC cancellation of gas drilling vote Ossining, … Read More

Delaware Group Reviews Revised Fracking Rules

Hydofracking Pro and Con – Debate Goes On