Posts Tagged ‘Endangered Species’

NYSDEC’s updates to threatened species must go further to protect biodiversity

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) recently released proposed regulations to update its list of endangered, threatened, and special concern species. Riverkeeper supp… Read More

Reports of dead sturgeon have spiked since Tappan Zee Bridge project began; Riverkeeper calls for immediate steps, investigation

For Immediate Release July 9, 2015 Contact: Leah Rae, Staff Writer 914-478-4501, ext. 238, [email protected] Petition to National Marine Fisheries Service, filed by Pace Environmental Litigation Cl… Read More

Riverkeeper rips federal Tappan Zee Bridge project study on endangered fish

Report Dead Atlantic Sturgeon

The Atlantic sturgeon, the icon of the Hudson River estuary, was recently declared a federal endangered species. Recently, Riverkeeper has received reports from citizen watchdogs after they discovered… Read More

Feds Deny State’s $2B loan request to fund new Tappan Zee Bridge

Riverkeeper to NY State: Fix the flaws in the draft EIS before seeking any new funding Ossining, NY – April 26, 2012 – New York State was turned down for a federal Transportation Infrastructure Fi… Read More

Atlantic Sturgeon: Freshwater Species of the Week

Hudson River Atlantic Sturgeon Declared Endangered

Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon Could Affect Tappan Zee and Indian Point

Diminishing Atlantic sturgeon population part of “broader problem” in Hudson, says Riverkeeper

Riverkeeper applauds Feds’ decision to protect Atlantic Sturgeon under Endangered Species Act