Posts Tagged ‘evacuation planning’

Indian Point evac plans questioned

Riverkeeper: Report shows Indian Point evacuation plan flawed

Evacuation Plans In Event Of Nuclear Accident At Power Stations Questioned

Indian Point: Still America’s Most Dangerous Nuclear Plant?

AP IMPACT: Evacs and drills pared near nuke plants

New York State Wins Review of Nuclear Plant Accident Plans

Arnie Gunderson: Why 10 Mile Evacuation Plans Won’t Work

As Jeff Donn reports in his four part Aging Nukes Associated Press series, populations around nuclear power plants in our country have swelled as much as 4 1/2 times since 1980, but some estimates of … Read More

AGING NUKES, PART 3 of 4: Populations around U.S. nuke plants soar

NRC backs Indian Point safety zone

Future of Indian Point