Posts Tagged ‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’

Drillers Silence Fracking Claims With Sealed Settlements

Sources: Cuomo came close on fracking plan

NY court calls for public input on nuke exemptions

[POLL] Where Do You Stand on Nuclear Power?

Hearings on NY nuke plant start with tech talk

Study: Indian Point’s power easy to replace

Shift by Cuomo on Gas Drilling Prompts Both Anger and Praise

Riverkeeper Sweep Party

The 2012 Riverkeeper Sweep engaged 450 volunteers in projects that removed 7 tons of trash, planted 125 trees and more – all in service to the Hudson River. Thank you, volunteers! Click here for det… Read More

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s March 7, 2012 Statement Regarding Hydraulic Fracturing

Thank you to the many New Yorkers that have shared your concerns regarding hydraulic fracturing (fracking) with me. I am inspired by the passionate response I have seen in New York and around the cou… Read More

Waterkeeper Celebrates Clean Water Act 40th Anniversary