Posts Tagged ‘Sturgeon’

Entergy adds details to Indian Point sturgeon plan

Hudson River sturgeon’s safety plays role in Tappan Zee Bridge debate

Tappan Zee Bridge plan faces challenge from environmental group

‘Fishy’ Indian Pt. cable slam

TZB Construction: The POV Under The Zee

Riverkeeper on NY State’s Plan for the Tappan Zee

Why we must do better Last week, New York State released its Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the proposed new Tappan Zee Bridge project. Since that time, Riverkeeper has reviewed the… Read More

Tappan Zee Meetings: A Study Guide

Sturgeon monitored on the Hudson River

NOAA: Tappan Zee Bridge construction won’t jeopardize endangered sturgeon

Report Dead Atlantic Sturgeon

The Atlantic sturgeon, the icon of the Hudson River estuary, was recently declared a federal endangered species. Recently, Riverkeeper has received reports from citizen watchdogs after they discovered… Read More